Want a quick recap of the design segment of the podcast?
Here are the basic steps I go through when making my choice boards:
1. Choose your topic and zoom in.
2. Review your standards BEFORE designing tasks… I learned this the hard way!
3. If needed, pull up a visual aid for Bloom’s Taxonomy to get your creative juices flowing.
4. Strategically place tasks on your choice board based on depth of knowledge / level of thinking required. If you choose to ask students to complete a tic-tac-toe, you’ll want them to complete three different types and levels of tasks.
5. Use QR codes for tasks that require technology.
6. Appeal to various learning styles. Think: multiple intelligences.
To help you achieve this, I’ve created a resource to guide you through the creation of an awesome choice board. This checklist includes types of tasks you should try to include on your choice board in order to appeal to various learning preferences and to create opportunities that are engaging, rigorous, and relevant. At the bottom of the checklist, I’ve linked my favorite resources that I use to help me as I create my own choice boards.
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In order for students to be successful, you’ll need to set expectations. The higher your expectations are, the more your students will achieve!
One problem I’ve had with choice boards is students rushing through tasks to try and get them all done. We had to have a class meeting to discuss that getting all 9 things done is not the goal. Creating something to enrich your knowledge and to demonstrate your understanding of the content is the goal! At the beginning of the year, I created exemplars to show students the quality of work that I expected from them.
At the end of each unit, students love to present their work to the class! They are so proud to show off their hard work, and they get to work on those speaking/listening skills.
Lastly, choice board products make a great and super easy hallway display! Students can hang up their work as they finish something they are truly proud of. Your hallway display will be cohesive yet differentiated – win win!
Have I convinced you yet? What are you waiting for?! Get started on your own choice boards, or save yourself some time by looking at all of the options I have for you here.
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