Hey, friends!
Back to school has gotten the best of me, as usual, but I’m glad to finally share this year’s classroom with you.
Life would be so grand if we all worked on the same hallway, but I am happy to virtually share with you my classroom reveal along with Theresa (True Life I’m a Teacher), Chandra (Teaching With Crayons and Curls), and Erin (The Elementary Darling).

This year, I had more time to set up my room. Also, I had alllll year last year to think of ways to tweak my space! I’m much happier in my room already this year. I fully believe that I need to be happy in my space – my second home – to be the best teacher I can be.
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I was totally inspired by Theresa to add some giant lettering to my wall. I don’t have a Cricut { yet } so I printed these and cut them out by hand!
I love how they look with my tassels from Target.
Want this “Work Hard. Be Kind. Have Fun.” printable?!
I am trying to keep my desk area super organized this year! I had a rectangular table that wasn’t used very often by my students last year, so I moved it over into my corner. My former mailboxes have become my copy paper and cardstock sorter… full of Astrobright paper that makes me heart SO HAPPY!
I especially love that cute map from the Target Dollar Spot! I spy my Erin Condren planner, which I looove! (Want $10 off your first order, no strings? Use my referral code!)
Here’s the view from my door. I am so happy with my switch from desks to tables this year!
I always include my “Figure Me Out” chart on my math board until I have student work to display.
I let the kids name their own tables. Maybe they’ll be more creative with the names next time! 😉
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My board is already filling up with anchor charts and sticky notes! I loved the twinkle lights that I added this year. I love teaching with the fluorescents off and lamps on.
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Due to my switch to tables, I had to rearrange a little bit, including my beloved classroom library.
Yep, I sacrificed my library so that kids have space for their belongings. Ugh! It is messier looking than I would like, but it works! (But, WHY did #14 move his book box to the wrong side?!)
Note my team jobs posters on the side of the tall bookcase… Blog post coming soon!
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I essentially swapped my library with my book boxes. I previously stored kids’ book boxes on those shelves along with writing and reading supplies like paper, highlighters, class journals, etc. I’m still trying to find a place for those!
I love having clipboards and whiteboards stored in crates on the floor. They are easily accessible so kids can use them whenever they need to! I have a lot of students that prefer the floor to the table, and that’s totally fine with me!
Here’s a closer look at my word wall. It’s just laminated cardstock! I start the year with only my students’ names written on the word wall, and I add content words throughout the year. Students have their own personal word walls in their writing folders that include sight words and other common school words.
I write with Vis-a-Vis. It doesn’t come off at the touch, like dry erase, but wipes right off with water at the end of the year!
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Here’s where I spend a lot of my day: at my kidney table. I bought a comfy office chair last year, which was a GREAT investment. Behind my kidney table is my closet!
I know, I know, I’m so lucky to have a closet. But the problem with having a closet is that you inherit all of the crap that other teachers left behind in the closet. I was beyond disappointed to find a completely FULL closet when I moved into this room.
I spent hours upon hours working on this closet last year. I purged a lot (which was easy to do, since it was never mine) and organized it the best I could. This picture is of my favorite section: social studies and science units.
This writing board is always a hit on Instagram! Students’ names are attached to clothespins. I add writing all year long, and then turn it into a book at the end of the year.
We are the Bobcats, and our PBIS system is based on the acronym PURRR, hence the title of the board. It’s my goal this year to keep this countertop as clean as possible!
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Lastly, here’s my hallway display. I decided at the very last minute to go with a football theme for my faux bulletin board this year. Names on clothespins are out here, too! It’s a quick and easy way to change out work.
Thanks for stopping by! Make sure to check out these super cute 1st and 2nd grade classrooms. Just click on the door to see inside!